At Riverside Graphics, we utilize a variety of “Green” techniques in our print production.
We print completely Direct To Plate—this eliminates the chemicals associated with film and plate development, and it saves water and energy. We eliminated alcohol-based products completely. Riverside uses inks that are vegetable based and environmentally friendly and have little or no mineral oil content. We switched to vegetable-oil based, water-soluble washes for cleaning presses, which are free from VOC-producing petroleum solvents and can reduce VOCs by up to 90% (VOCs are gases emitted from certain solids or liquids.) This improves air and water quality, protects workers’ health and safety and reduces the negative effects of chemical use.
We have employed these processes in our production since the technology was first made available, and we have maintained the most current, efficient equipment. The client will not incur additional costs due to any of the processes we use.
We have established a comprehensive recycling program.
We use water-soluble aqueous coating, which can be recycled. We recycle ALL paper waste generated in the printing process. We recycle ALL wood pallets. We also recycle ALL metals, including aluminum plating materials. We do this to save material and reduce air pollution, for no addition cost to the client. We have the capability to print on treeless and recycled content papers, which can be requested by the client. This saves trees, energy and water; encourages new agricultural developments; and keeps paper out of landfills. The cost associated with printing on synthetic paper is 25-30% more than non-synthetic paper; post-consumer recycled paper is generally 10-20% more expensive than non-recycled stock.
To maximize efficiency and cost savings, we group jobs according to PMS colors. This minimizes wash-ups, waste and labor; saves ink changes; and passes along savings to our customers.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organization that brings people together to find solutions to promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests. The FSC ensures that forests comply with internationally agreed upon FSC principles for Responsible Forest Management and certifies those that do. Certified forest operations can claim the forest products they produce come from a responsibly managed forest. This is the first step in the chain from raw material to finished goods.
Thank you for your interest in Riverside Graphics. We would be happy to work for you in the future, and guarantee that you will be satisfied with the benefits of our ‘Green production.